landscapemetrics - Landscape Metrics for Categorical Map Patterns
Calculates landscape metrics for categorical landscape patterns in a tidy workflow. 'landscapemetrics' reimplements the most common metrics from 'FRAGSTATS' (<https://www.fragstats.org/>) and new ones from the current literature on landscape metrics. This package supports 'terra' SpatRaster objects as input arguments. It further provides utility functions to visualize patches, select metrics and building blocks to develop new metrics.
Last updated 30 days ago
12.25 score 240 stars 3 dependents 584 scripts 2.3k downloads
shar - Species-Habitat Associations
Analyse species-habitat associations in R. Therefore, information about the location of the species (as a point pattern) is needed together with environmental conditions (as a categorical raster). To test for significance habitat associations, one of the two components is randomized. Methods are mainly based on Plotkin et al. (2000) <doi:10.1006/jtbi.2000.2158> and Harms et al. (2001) <doi:10.1111/j.1365-2745.2001.00615.x>.
Last updated 28 days ago
6.95 score 20 stars 28 scripts 586 downloadsbelg - Boltzmann Entropy of a Landscape Gradient
Calculates the Boltzmann entropy of a landscape gradient. This package uses the analytical method created by Gao, P., Zhang, H. and Li, Z., 2018 (<doi:10.1111/tgis.12315>) and by Gao, P. and Li, Z., 2019 (<doi:10.1007/s10980-019-00854-3>). It also extend the original ideas by allowing calculations on data with missing values.
Last updated 2 years ago
5.80 score 19 stars 1 dependents 11 scripts 520 downloadsonpoint - Helper Functions for Point Pattern Analysis
Growing collection of helper functions for point pattern analysis. Most functions are designed to work with the 'spatstat' (<http://spatstat.org>) package. The focus of most functions are either null models or summary functions for spatial point patterns. For a detailed description of all null models and summary functions, see Wiegand and Moloney (2014, ISBN:9781420082548).
Last updated 30 days ago
3.64 score 2 stars 11 scripts 211 downloads